secular parent

Videos galore!

Colbert is a genius of satirical wit….even if you don’t like him, you have to give that!

Ricky Gervais’ great religious commentary…try to laugh 🙂

It’s South Park, expect it to be dirty.

This is a bit one-sided: of course Hannity doesn’t let her talk.  It does give you a taste of the Westboro Baptist Church.

Dawkins….Dawkins….Dawkins….Love him or hate him, he’s constantly making a case!

I love Hugh Laurie!  This a bit of a bad copy, but he’s just awesome.  If he were God, watch out!

Well, if you follow the Bible literally, you really can’t be mad at him; perhaps we should rethink our literal translations…..

The birth of the Church of England, Martin Luther, and a few other tidbits, comedy style….

This is just funny….JibJab knows how to put together a song!

I can’t tell if Loudon Wainwright III is being cynical, or sarcastic, or simply, if he is being honest…you tell me!

This video about gay ‘indoctrination’ makes a couple of good points.  It is also, like all videos flaming liberal or ultra conservative, I believe it uses hyperbole and false truths much more than needed. 

Watching this video sent chills down my spine; the same chills that I felt after watching “Jesus Camp.”  It’s wrong to indoctrinate children to hate——->no matter what faith you use to do it!

John Stewart goes on the No Spin Zone!

Some very clever people took the time to research fundamentalist Christian Websites.  I’m not sure if this video is a taken from one site in particular, or from several.  The words they are speaking came DIRECTLY from fundamentalist Christian Websites…reader beware!

Hirsi Ayaan Ali is easily one of the bravest women I’ve seen!  She is under death threat by all major Imams for her brutal criticizing of Islam.  She spent all of her childhood and most of her teen years as a muslim.  When her father tried to marry her off to a distant cousin, she fled.  Her  story is amazing.

This video has some strong, hot-button language in it!  Still, I find the perspective it takes on rational thinking to be very bold.  The author attempts to discuss with Christians the idea that Jesus has some teachings that are subject to scrutiny, especially given what we know about the world.  While you may certainly be offended by this video, my hope is that somewhere, down past that anger, you’ll think about the ideas presented!

I just can’t say how happy I am that Sarah Palin isn’t our new Vice President!  Extreme views can’t be how our government is run.  If you don’t have god in your heart, according to Palin, you can’t be successful in life: does she know Richard Dawkins?

“Children are so usable in Christianity”

I find it interesting that people will go to ANY lengths to prevent consenting adults from having the type of sexual relationship that best suits who they are.  NO one is advocating bestiality, marrying multiple partners at once, or allowing pedophilia to run rampant.  To suggest these things in lieu of same-sex marriage shows an infantile approach in logic.  See for yourself!

Colbert is overwhelming….it’s great!

10 questions every intelligent Christian needs to ask

The best optical illusion in the world!

Michelle having some fun on Sesame Street————> I love our first lady!

Comedy is blatant…they just don’t care who necessarily gets offended; they have a point to make.  Can you find the point in this satirical comedy?

I just don’t know what to say about this…child abuse comes to mind

If you haven’t seen this video, you’ve missed something!  Take 10 minutes to gain some real perspective on the life of the traditional, Islamic woman.

The Phelps family is part of the reason secular parenting needs to be introduced on a large scale.  Now, not every Christian is a ‘Phelps,’ but it’s important to make sure that we give young people honest approaches to religion, not die-hard fanaticism

Richard Dawkins…answering the question…what if you’re wrong about there being no God?

Sam Harris is arguably one of the most important figures in the freethought movement.  This is Sam in 2005.  It was my first introduction to him, and I hope you’ll enjoy his logic as well!

If you haven’t seen Jesus Camp, then you aren’t aware of how religion is used to warp the perspective of innocent minds.

This video may be offensive if you are a sternly religious person.  That is not the point.  It is a rather curt way of discussing something that sometimes gets convoluted with lots of fancy words.  Although many might find this offensive, this was one of the videos that ignited a spark for skepticism that has never left!  Try to take it with a light heart!

This is the first inaugural address in history (please correct me if you find out more accurate information) to acknowledge secular, non-believing Americans.  Barack Obama is a level minded, pragmatic, young leader; I’m so proud to call him Mr. President!

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